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Cover image for Bill Moyers journal : the conversation continues
Bill Moyers journal : the conversation continues
Bill Moyers journal : the conversation continues
Publication Information:
New York : New Press : Distributed by Perseus Distribution, 2011.
Physical Description:
xii, 594 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Jon Stewart -- Michael Pollan -- Louise Erdrich -- Nikki Giovanni -- Andrew Bacevich -- Robert Wright -- David Simon -- Victor Gold -- Nell Painter -- Jim Hightower -- Richard Goldstone -- Robert Bly -- Jeremy Scahill -- Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot -- John Lithgow -- William Greider -- Karen Armstrong -- Ross Douthat and Mickey Edwards -- Grace Lee Boggs -- Games K. Galbraith -- Douglas Blackmon -- Sam Tanenhaus -- Maxine Hong Kingston -- E.O. Wilson -- Simon Johnson -- Holly Sklar -- Jane Goodall -- James Cone -- David Boies and Ted Olson -- Wendell Potter -- Benjamin Barber -- Margaret Flowers -- Philippe Sands -- Howard Zinn -- Michelle Alexander and Bryan Stevenson -- Thomas Cahill -- Shelby Steele -- Robert Kaiser -- Barbara Ehrenreich -- Martín Espada -- John Grisham -- Susan Jacoby -- Jim Yong Kim -- W.S. Merwin -- Mike Davis -- Reverend Jeremiah Wright -- Barry Lopez.
From Moyer's third PBS series, this text represents an unparalleled entree into the debates, the intellectual and cultural currents, and above all the fascinating people that have so powerfully shaped modern times.
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